Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Developing a local curriculum (At Winchester School)

How to review a school curriculum.
This writing outlines some of the processes undertaken and explains some of the decisions made when reviewing a school curriculum. Others wanting to review their own school curriculum might find our journey useful.

This year I was appointed principal of Winchester School situated in Palmerston North. Our school curriculum was reviewed with our school community.

The New Zealand Curriculum Identifies five Key Competencies:
  • Thinking
  • Relating to others
  • Using language, symbols, and texts
  • Managing self
  • Participating and contributing

In addition English, the arts, health and physical education, mathematics and statistics, science, the social sciences, and technology are identified as the learning areas. So the question is asked, Which is the most important? Knowledge or skills?

Shane Kennedy’s post, ‘Curriculum, the culprit?certainly caused me to pause and think more deeply about what is most important. In deciding what is important we often turn to measures of academic performance, and the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) has been a favourable measure by many who make decisions about education in our country. If however, we change the lense by which we judge the outcomes of our education system, then we might be surprised by what we learn about our students and what we see as a result of our system.

  • What if student well-being or happiness was the most important outcome?
  • What if we judged the success of our education system on what we observe in our society?
  • Have we got our priorities right?

Content or knowledge teaching
To clarify, I do believe in content or knowledge teaching because there is a time and place for us as teachers to impart ideas and clarify understandings. However, if all we do is teach content, then we’re neither fulfilling the full vision of the New Zealand Curriculum, nor are we equipping our students with all the necessary skills that they will need to actually ‘cut it’ in today’s society. Also, who decides what’s most important or what will make our youth most likely to succeed?

The only way to really know is to ask your school community. I interpret this as developing a local curriculum.  That is, one where our school’s community has decided what will be prioritised. In New Zealand we have the autonomy and the freedom to develop our own curriculum and to decide what we believe is most important for the students of our schools. Asking our community what they value above all else determines what we focus on. And what is focussed on gets achieved.

We’ve placed Key Competencies as being important within our school curriculum. When I had been principal for a few weeks at my current school, I simply asked, “What kind of learner do you want your child to be?
All responses were wordled and the following image helped us see what our community wanted.

There was some initial alignment to Michael Fullan’s New Pedagogies for Deep Learning work which has 6 competencies: collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, citizenship, character and communication.
After further consultation with the community, staff and students, we’ve decided on our outcomes for Winchester School.

Students, teachers and parents were consulted as to what they considered to be important to learn about. As the outcomes emerged it was important to consider what we learned about and how this would support our outcomes. For example, in the wordle above, our community indicated that we want our children to be confident.  Therefore we have to consider what learning experiences will enable this outcome to occur.

Using an Inquiry approach to learning became apparent because this would support our prioritised outcomes. These ideas were coupled with our outcomes and then the New Zealand Curriculum was considered again to ensure all learning areas would be explored by our students.

A Local Curriculum
Developing a local curriculum is important because the process consolidates what each school does. A local curriculum should not be about cutting anything out, but rather highlighting what is most valued from the school community's perspective.  A local curriculum enables a common language to be developed within each school and is the framework for planning. The review process gives a focus and a reason for doing what we do. Considering what the NZC states and ensuring that all learning areas are included is also an important part of the process.

Our New Zealand Curriculum places a heavy emphasis on the Key Competencies and some critics would question how these outcomes might be measured. Questions asked could include, ‘How will our school know if students are improving at being Confident or Creative?’ This is a fair question. We are embedding our outcomes into reporting to parents so that progress and achievement can be seen over time. We are developing key descriptors for each of our four outcomes so we can report against those.

When placing Key Competencies so importantly within our curriculum, a key component in knowing whether students are developing their skills will be teachers observing students. Kath Murdoch has a term for this; release. She names "release" as one of 9 key teacher attributes in her book, "The Power of Inquiry".
A teacher who can release themselves from the learning process for periods of time is able to observe what is actually happening in the class.

There are many facets to consider when developing a local curriculum. I've outlined the thinking to date and wonder what we might not have considered so far. The opportunity to write about this recent work was well timed. It has allowed me to reflect and to justify the decisions that we've made.

I hope that outlining the process we undertook is useful for any reader considering what process they might use as they review their own school curriculum.

Fullan, M., McEachen, J., Quinn, J. (2016). New Pedagogies for Deep Learning. NPDL Global Report. (1st ed.). Ontario, Canada: Retrieved from

Kennedy, S. (2014, March 05). Curriculum, the culprit? Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

Ministry of Education (2007). The New Zealand Curriculum. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

Murdoch, K. ( 2015). The Power of Inquiry : Teaching & Learning with Curiosity, Creativity & Purpose in the Contemporary Classroom. Melbourne Seastar Education

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Personalising the learning app

I think there's still a bit of confusion for some over the term "personalising" learning. 

“Make Learning Personal” (Bray & McClaskey, 2015) states that in a personalised learning environment, “Learning starts with the learner. Learners understand how they learn best so they can become active participants in designing their learning goals along with the teacher. Learners take responsibility for their learning, they are motivated and challenged as they learn so they work harder than their teacher.”

The challenge for us educators is to find how the system can fit the learner, rather than the other way around.

I've come to think of it like the Stuff App. Here I'm able to personalise my news feed and scroll past the stuff that's not relevant. I can change my view to compact or expanded and I can select local news or whatever category I wish to include. Some might take this for granted but when we think of how News has evolved over time, this app approach certainly allows for personalisation compared to the news on TV. 
When watching TV News, we have to wait for the parts we're really interested in and sit through all the irrelevant parts. Even in a newspaper i'm able to skim over the stuff I have no interest in - although I've had to pay for the whole paper!

I guess a lot more media is heading this way - how many under 20 year olds actually watch "free to air" TV? I'd suggest not many. They've become accustomed to viewing what they're interested in, be it on youtube, or paying for a TV series they can download and watch immediately, rather than waiting for it each week on TV.

So, how might this apply to education?

How might we enable students to pick and choose the parts they need and want rather than having to wait for the "newsreader" to get through all the boring bits or having to wait for the weekly instalment?

Why not let our students download what they want, when they want and have a more personalised experience?

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

What's the point of School?

Professor Guy Glaxton posed this question in the title of his 2008 book, "What's the point of School?" It's a punchy title that contains a huge question!

I've been writing a section for our school website called, "Our Future Direction" and I'm using this to ask largely rhetorical questions of the parent community at our school. I'm drawing attention to this via the school newsletter and am hopeful that people are considering the ideas ahead of some consultation that we will have about the future direction of our school.

I've come to this. What is the point of school? Things have got complicated. Really complicated. So, it's important to remind oneself of the moral purpose of what I'm doing. For me, and I hate to sound like a Miss World contestant here, but I do want to make the world a better place and to have world peace.

We need to consider what's really important here. What do we value most in education? In school? What are we all about? Why do we do what we do?

Watch the clip below and ask; why do we do what we do? What's the point of school?

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Making it make sense

I'm so close to making it make sense that I can almost taste it. It's right there and it's becming clearer and clearer how to bring the parts if my school's curriculum together.
Context is that I've had 3 terms leading at my current school and I'm slowly getting my head around it.
It happens in phases. It has to. It goes like this. Phase 1: observe and ask questions.  Get to know people. Build trust. Build relationships. Be real. Give it time.
Phase 2: systems.
Phase 3: curriculum. Learning.

I'm almost out of the systems phase and have now got the head space for phase 3 and it's about time!

We have a pretty good curriculum.  It almost makes sense to me. I've inherited it and some aspects are taking me a while to fully understand but I'm respecting the fact that some good decisions have been made before my time and that it makes sense to others. By observing and listening there are so e loose ends that need bringing together.

And that's the work we're about to embark on. It'll involve everyone. It'll be messy for a while. It'll be challenging for some. It'll be rewarding.

We need to sort our learner profile.  Note learner not graduate profile. It needs to be about now not 6 years from now.

We need to know what we want our learners to be like and why. Is the ability to move quietly in single file from point a to b still important? Is neat handwriting valued or a thing of the past? Is critical thinking something we value? If we really want our learners to be creative, how might qe really give effect to this?

Once we have our core skills named then we can match the contexts from our rich curriculum to those. E.g. traditions, culture or entrepreneurship might fit under a "confident " type banner.

I've found viewing "Most likely to Succeed" again an inspiration and this clip here very thought provoking too.

I am looking forward to getting back to my desk and planning ahead for term 2. Talking with learners about what they want the school to be like and what they want to learn about is going to be interesting. 
Asking the same of parents and staff will be too. My job is to bring it all together and identify if we have any gaps.

Is school just preparation for life?